Small Group Notes

Small Group Notes for 5th May 2024

Being God's People, God's Church...

N.B. The sermon can be heard via our website and YouTube channel or read in the paper service, also on our website.

Read and Reflect: Philippians 1:18b-30, John 14:1-7


Read through Philippians 1:18b-30.

What message is Paul communicating to the congregation at Philippi and how well does it come across to you?

The questions below are not straightforward. So it might be easier (and more instructive) to discuss what ‘worthiness’, the ‘provision of the Spirit of Jesus’, and ‘progress’ might typically mean for a Christian.

i) What does Paul mean by ‘worthy’?

ii) How does Paul understand the ‘provision of the Spirit of Jesus’ (v19]?

iii) What measure would Paul use to guage the Philippians’ ’progress’ (v25)?

If you have time, tell each other why you use the version of the Bible you usually have in front of you. What other versions have you tried? What is your opinion of


In prayer, ask God to equip us all with a fuller understanding of the person, presence and work of the Spirit in our own lives and the lives of those around us.

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